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I usually go for comedies我通常喜欢看喜剧片——学习地道口语

toyiye 2024-06-21 11:59 17 浏览 0 评论



Melanie: Hi, Lucy. Thanks for coming over! You’re looking great! Come on in!


Coming over: visit come over 中文意思是:从远方过来;顺便来访。

come on in: enter进来,进入

Lucy: Hi, Melanie! Sorry for turning up so late!


Turn up: arrive (常指出其不意地或经长久等待后) 出现,到来,露面

Melanie: It’s fine, don’t worry about it! Welcome to my apartment!


Lucy: It looks amazing, thanks for inviting me over! I love the furniture!


Invite someone over: invite someone to someone’s house. 请某人过来

Melanie: The furniture was here when I moved in. Sit down and make yourself comfortable.


Move in: start living in a new apartment or house. 搬来,迁入

Lucy: Thanks!


Melanie: Would you like something to drink? I have diet coke, fruit juice, and coffee.


Lucy: A diet coke, please. So please tell me, how are you getting on with your life as a college student?


Melanie: Well, in the beginning, it was hard for me to fit in. I grew up in a small town, I was not used to living in a big city. I didn’t even have any friend s and I felt pretty lonely. It was hard for me to hang in there. I’ve finally made a few good friends to hang out with.


Fit in: feel you belong to a place /group. 相处融洽; 适应

Hang in: to continue and not give up.不泄气,坚持下去

Hang out: spend time闲逛; 逗留;

Lucy: That’s great to hear! What’s a typical day in your life like?


Melanie: Well, I wake up at 7 am. I go to the bathroom, wash my face and brush my teeth. I work out every morning. I can’t do without it! Before exercising, I usually like to warm up by doing stretches. Then I take a shower and after that I have breakfast. Next, I write down my to-do list for the day. I always plan my day ahead. I have a strict schedule and I do my best to stick to it. Then I check the weather, because I like to be prepared for the day and pick out the right outfit. Before I leave, I put on my makeup, my chasses usually start at 9:00.


Work out: exercise. 锻炼,健身

Do without: manage without .没有…也行, 将就, 用不着

Warm up: prepare 做准备活动,热身

Plan ahead: plan in advance 提前计划

Stick to: follow without changing anything.坚持,遵守

Pick out: choose选择

Lucy: How many meals do you have a day?


Melanie: I have five or six light meals a day. I’ve noticed that three heavy meals a day generally weigh me down. So I try to eat less and more often, I have more energy this way and I can concentrate much better. Whenever possible, I try to squeeze in 15 to 30 minutes of exercise in the afternoon. Exercising helps me calm down when I’m stressed and it doesn’t take up too much of my time.


Weigh me down: make me feel heavy and tired使负荷太重; 压得…行动不便;

Squeeze in: find time for 挤时间

Lucy: When do you usually get home?


Melanie: It depends on the day. But typically I get home at around 6 pm. I have dinner a little later then I lie down for a few minutes and scroll down social media on my phone. Next, I study for a few hours, then I watch TV. I try to stay away from negative news, I usually go for comedies. Before going to bed, I fill in my journal and reflect on the day. My journal helps me with my emotions and thoughts. It also helps me to set goals. I plan on taking a French course this year. That’s my new goal. I love to learn and try out new things all the time. I just want to point out that a journal is really helpful.


Scroll down: move down the screen向下滚屏;

Stay away from: avoid回避,避免

Go for: like, prefer非常喜欢; 倾心于;更喜欢

Fill in: write 填写

Reflect on: think about 回想,思考,考虑

Try out: experiment with 实验

Point out: indicate 指明,指出,表明

Lucy: Yeah, I see. Maybe I should keep a journal, too. I have many goals that I would like to achieve. I want to sign for a gym membership, but I just keep putting it off. I never actually get around to ever doing it. I pan on keeping a diet and cutting down on sweets. But I never make it. I need something sweet every day to help me get through busy days. To sum it all up, I think I’m a mess. Just stick to your goals and don’t give up.


Sign for: join 加入

Put off: delay 推迟,拖延

Get around to: manage to 抽时间去做,终于去做

Cut down: reduce 减少

Get through: manage to live through 度过,熬过

Sum up: summarize简而言之; 概括地说; 扼要描述(人或情况); (在发言或文章结尾) 作总结

Stick to: keep following 坚持

Give up: stop trying. 放弃

Melanie: Your effort will finally pay off


Pay off: be successful 成功,得到回报

Lucy: What do you usually do in your free time?


Melanie: Sometimes I sleep in on weekends, when I’m tired. I like to go out and catch up on friends and family. What about you? You’re in the 3rd year, right? What’s your day like?


Sleep in: sleep later than usual 睡懒觉,睡过头

Catch up on: learn the latest news about 得到关于…的消息

Lucy: My schedule always runs over no matter how organized I am. I get up pretty late, about 9 am. My chaotic morning messes up the rest of the day. I wish I could wake up earlier, but sleep is holding me back each morning. I go to bed very late, at about 1 am. I haven’t been able to change this yet, but I’m working on it.


Run over: continue for longer than planned.


Mess up: ruin or spoil

搞砸; 弄糟; 弄脏; 弄乱; 干扰; 搅乱; 使不得安宁;

Hold back: stop 阻挡; 阻止;

Work on: try to improve.


Melanie: I’m sure you’ll finally make it.


Lucy: I have a very busy schedule, that’s why I never show up on time anywhere. The problem is that I have taken up a part-time job at the mall, so I go to work every day after classes. There’s just too much going on in my life right now. I’m not great at dealing with stress.


Show up: arrive

如约赶到; 出现; 露面;

Take up: start a new job开始干(工作)

Go on: happen 发生

Deal with: handle处理

Melanie: Maybe you need to slow down and cut back on some activities, otherwise you’ll burn yourself out.


Slow down: be less active(使)放慢; (使)减速; (使)身心松弛; (使)放松;

Cut back: reduce 减少; 削减; 缩减;

Burn out: become exhausted 变得筋疲力尽

Lucy: You’re perfectly right. I’ll drop a few activities and set aside time for rest. Do you want to come round on Saturday night? I’m throwing a party.


Set aside: save保留,留作…之用; 留出…用于;

Come round: come to my home. 造访

Melanie: I’m not sure about that. You know I’m not into parties.


Be not into: don’t like 不喜欢

Lucy: Please don’t turn me down. We’ll have a great time.


Turn down: refuse an invitation拒绝(某人或其请求、提议等)

Melanie: OK then, if it’s so important to you, I’ll try to come.


Lucy: Great! I’m looking forward to it!


Look forward to: expect something with pleasure期待

Melanie: Do I need to dress up?


Dress up: put on formal clothes打扮

Lucy: No, you can wear casual clothes. I have to go now, I don’t want to take up any more your time. And I have to get down to studying.


Get down: begin to do开始做某事




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