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toyiye 2024-06-21 12:01 7 浏览 0 评论

导通阻Turning-on impedance

.断路测试short/break circuit test

耐压测试:在DC=500V,AC=300V的条件下,绝缘阻抗不小于50M ohm

withstanding voltage test: under DC=500V, AC=300V, insulation resistance ≥ 50M ohm

摇摆测试Flexing test

电缆专业英语电工术语 电缆

Electric cablesàElectro technical vocabulary -

无镀层导体:Plain conductor

金属镀层导体:Metal coated conductor

镀锡导体:Tinned conductor

金属包覆导体:Metal-clad conductor

实心导体:Solid conductor


绞合导体:Stranded conductor


圆形同心绞合导体:Concentrically stranded circular conductor

束合导体:Bunched conductor

复绞导体:Multiple stranded conductors

软导体:Flexible conductor

成型导体:Shaped conductor

扇形导体:Sector shaped conductor

紧压导体:Compacted conductor

分割导体:Milliken conductor

空心导体:Hollow conductor

铜皮导体:Tinsel conductor

同心股线:Concentric strand

束合股线:Bunched strand

同心中性导体:Concentric neutral conductor



绕包绝缘:Lapped insulation

浸渍纸绝缘:Impregnated paper insulation

挤包绝缘:Extruded insulation

矿物绝缘:Mineral insulation

热塑性绝缘:Thermoplastic insulation

热固性绝缘:Thermosetting insulation

交联绝缘:Cross-linked insulation



导体屏蔽:Conductor screen

绝缘线芯屏蔽:Core screen

接地屏蔽:Shield of a cable

可剥离屏蔽:Strippable screen

粘结屏蔽:Bonded screen

裸屏蔽线:Drain wire /continuity wire


节距:Length of lay

节径比:Lay ratio

绞向:Direction of lay


在北美,电缆的绝缘线芯core已经定义为电缆统包层(如护套)内各部件的组件,用insulated conductor表示


缆芯:Twisted loom/cabled assembly

SZ成缆:SZ cabling


内衬层:Inner covering

护套:sheath jacket(北美采用)

外护套 over sheath /outer sheath protective jacket(北美采用)



螺旋扎紧带:Spiral binder tape




滑线:Skid wire

皱纹金属套:Corrugated metallic sheath

内护套:inner sheath/inner jacket(北美)

防护套:Barrier sheath

阻水粉末:Water blocking powder/swelling powder

阻水带:Water blocking tape

阻水胶:Water blocking glue swelling glue

分相屏蔽电缆:Individually screened cable

径向电场电缆:Radial field cable


成套线(电线组件):Cord set

接地电极:earth electrode ground electrode(美国采用)

裸接地导体 uninsulated earth conductor

管式电缆:Pipe-type cable

架空绝缘电缆:Aerial cable

集束架空电缆:Bundle assembled aerial cable


仪表电缆:Measuring cable

热点偶补偿电缆:Thermocouple compensation cable


密封终端:Sealing end

终端盒:Terminal box

分线盒:dividing box /spltter box

绕包式终端:taped termination

直通接头:straight joint

屏蔽导体,回流线:shielding conductor

绕包间隙:Butt gap for cables

电缆盘:Cable drum/cable reel

电缆线盘:Cable spool




电缆板条:Cable lag


火花试验:spark test

电力电缆周期负荷载流量:cyclic current rating for electric cables

天然橡胶护套 natural rubber jacket

金属护套 metal sheath

卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 metal-clad wiring cable

金属护套电缆 metal-sheathed cable

铜芯矿物绝缘铜护套电缆 mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cable with copper conductor

防潮护套 moisture barrier jacket

防潮护套 moisture barrier sheath

氧化镁绝缘金属护套电线 magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire

聚乙烯-铅综合护套层、铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lepeth

-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth cable

-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth-sheath cable

轻型聚氯乙烯护套电缆 light PVC-sheathed cable

轻型塑料护套软线 light plastic-sheathed flexible cord

轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线 light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord

浅色护套 light-colored jacket

-聚乙烯粘接护套 laminated aluminum-polyethylene sheath

金属护套 metal sheath

卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 metal-clad wiring cable

金属护套电缆 metal-sheathed cable

铜芯矿物绝缘铜护套电缆 mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cable with copper conductor

防潮护套 moisture barrier jacket

防潮护套 moisture barrier sheath

氧化镁绝缘金属护套电线 magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire

聚乙烯-铅综合护套层、铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lepeth

-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth cable

-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth-sheath cable

轻型聚氯乙烯护套电缆 light PVC-sheathed cable

轻型塑料护套软线 light plastic-sheathed flexible cord

轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线 light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord

浅色护套 light-colored jacket

-聚乙烯粘接护套 laminated aluminum-polyethylene sheath

层式护套、多层护套、薄层粘接护套 laminated sheath(

层状)粘接[结]带、金属-塑料综合护套用复合带 laminated tape

压铅机、电缆铅护套挤压机 lead cable-sheathing press

压铅机、铅护套挤压机 lead press

铅护套变形 lead sheath strain

铅护套、铅包 lead sheathing

铅合金护套 lead-alloy sheath

铅合金护套 lead-alloy sheathing

铅合金护套电缆 lead-alloy-sheathed cable

-聚乙烯综合护套 lead-polyethylenev

挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 n

(护)套、铅护套 lead-sheath

铅护套挤压机、压铅机 lead-sheathing press

内填充(护套)料[混合物] inner filling compound

内填充护套 inner filling sheath

内护套(北美采用) inner jacket

层式护套、多层护套、薄层粘接护套 laminated sheath(

层状)粘接[结]带、金属-塑料综合护套用复合带 laminated tape

压铅机、电缆铅护套挤压机 lead cable-sheathing press

压铅机、铅护套挤压机 lead press

铅护套变形 lead sheath strain

铅护套、铅包 lead sheathing

铅合金护套 lead-alloy sheath

铅合金护套 lead-alloy sheathing

铅合金护套电缆 lead-alloy-sheathed cable

-聚乙烯综合护套 lead-polyethylenev

挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 n

(护)套、铅护套 lead-sheath

铅护套挤压机、压铅机 lead-sheathing press

内填充(护套)料[混合物] inner filling compound

内填充护套 inner filling sheath

内护套(北美采用) inner jacket

绝缘与护套挤包设备 insulating and jacketing plant

绝缘捩护套材料 insulating jacketing material

护套(在北美、 sheath

仅指金属包覆层)、护层、外壳 jacket

护套渗漏 jacket leak

护套剥除工具 jacket removal tool

护套、包护层 jacketing

护套 jacking

护套印字机 jacking machine

聚氯乙烯绝缘单芯无护套高温电缆 high temperature PVC insulated single-core non-sheathed cable

高折射率护套 higher-index jacketing

液压连续式电缆护套挤压机 hydraulic continuous cable-sheathing press

无卤素护套材料 halogen-free sheathing material

无卤护套 halogon-free jacket

耐热护套软电缆 heat-resistant sheathed flexible cable

重型丁腈/聚氯乙烯护套 heavy-duty acrylonitrile-butadiene/polyvinyl chloride(NBR/PVC) jacket

重型氯化聚乙烯护套 heavy-duty chlorinated polyethylene(CPE)jacket

通用单芯无护套电缆 general purpose single-core nonsheathed cable

通用丁腈/聚氯乙烯护套 general-purpose acrylonitrile-butadiene/polyvinyl chloride(NBR/PVC) jacket

通用氯化聚乙烯护套 general-purpose chlorinated polyethylene(CPE) jacket

通用乙丙烯橡皮护套 general-purpose ethylene-propylene rubber jacket

聚乙烯-铝带综合护套 glovar sheath

卷边[摺边]铝护套 folded aluminium sheath

[摺]边铝护套 folded aluminium shield

铝护套锉削 filing of the aluminium sheath(for jointing)

阻燃护套 flame-retardant jacket

超重型黑色氯化聚乙烯护套 extra-heavy-duty chlorinated polyethlene jacket

挤制铝护套 extruded aluminium sheath

挤包内护层、内填充护套 extruded inner covering

电缆上挤包护套 extrusion of the sheath on to the cable

厚度均匀<绝缘、护套等> equithickness

双护套 double sheath

双活塞电缆护套挤压机 double-acting cable sheathing press

双护套光纤 double-jacketed optical fiber

双活塞电缆护套挤压机 double-ram cable sheathing press

双护套电缆 double-sheathed cable

双护套电缆 dual jacketed cable

双层护套、焊接的皱纹金属管护套 duplex sheath

偏心(率、度)<绝缘、护套> eccentricityv


管子或护套的)减径 die-downv(

金属护套的)减径 die down

皱纹铝护套 corrugated aluminium sheath

皱纹铝护套电缆 corrugated aluminium-sgeathed cable

皱纹铜护套 corrugated copper sheath

皱纹无缝护套 corrugated seamless sheath

皱纹护套 corrugated sheath

皱纹钢护套 corrugated steel sheath

皱纹钢护套电缆 corrugated steel-sheathed cable

护套的龟裂 cracking of jacket

电缆护套的交叉连接[粘接] cross-bonding of cable sheaths

交联氯化聚乙烯护套 crosslinked chlorinated polyethylene jacket

交联氯磺化聚乙烯护套 crosslinked chlorosulfonated polyethylene jacketv

剥除(绝缘、护套) cut back

电缆护套损伤[损坏] damage to the cable sheath

外护套 containment

连续式电缆护套挤压机 continuous cable sheathing press

铜带屏蔽尼龙外护套电缆 copper tape screen nylon jacketed cable

铜护套电缆 copper-sheathed cable

皱纹护套电缆 cormex cable

电缆护套轧纹 v

轧纹 corrugate

耐寒护套 cold-proof sheath

单层纸 simplex paper

单层滚筒七头拉线机 single deck 7 heads type machine

单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire

单层金属编织机 single tier type wire braiding machine

单层的 single-layer

单层电缆 single-layer cable

单层绞线 single-layer strand

单层纸包圆铜电磁线 single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire

单层纸 single-ply paper

单层纸 single-wire paper

单层 monolayer

钢带铠装电缆 tape armoured cable

钢带铠装 steel tape armour

钢带铠装电缆 steel tape armoured cable

钢带铠装 steel tape armouring

钢带铠装机 steel tape armouring machine

钢带铠装电缆 steel-tape armoured cable

铅包钢带铠装、铅套加钢铠装 l.s.s.t.(lead-sheath,steel-taped)

铅包钢带铠装、铅套加钢带铠装 lead-sheath,steel-taped

内钢带铠装电缆 internal steel-tape armoured cable

双钢带铠装 double tape armour

双层钢带铠装 double layer of steel-tape armour(d.s.t.a.)

双层钢带铠装 d.s.t.a.(double layer of steel-tape armour)

涂层钢带铠装电缆 coated steel tape armoured

钢带铠装电缆 band-armoured cable

镀锌 galvanising

镀锌 zinc plating

镀锌槽 zinc plating bath

镀锌铁丝 zinc-coated iron wire

铠装用镀锌低碳钢丝 zinc-coated low-carbon steel armour

镀锌钢绞线 zinc-coated steel strand

镀锌钢带 zinc-plated steel tape

镀锌 zinking

高强度镀锌钢丝[芯线] high-strength galvanized steel core

高强度镀锌钢丝[芯线] high-strength zinc-coated steel core

电镀、镀锌 galvanizationvt

电镀、镀锌 galvanize

电镀的、镀锌的 galvanized

镀锌铠装钢丝 galvanized armour wire

铅淬火高张力镀锌钢丝 galvanized high-tensile plough-steel wire

镀锌软[低碳]钢丝 galvanized mild steel wire

镀锌铠装钢带 galvanized steel armour tape

镀锌钢芯线、镀锌钢丝 galvanized steel core wire

镀锌钢丝 galvanized steel wire

镀锌钢绞线 galvanized stranded wire

镀锌钢丝 galvanized wire

镀锌槽、锌浴 galvanizing bath

镀锌炉 galvanizing furnace

镀锌装置、电镀装置 galvanizing plant

镀锌收线架 galvanizing take-up frame

电镀的、镀锌的 galvanic

防腐镀锌钢丝 corrosion preventing grease-coated galvanized wire

管式绞线机、管绞机 tube strander

管式绞线机、管绞机 tubular closer

管绞机 tubular strander

管式绞线机、管绞机 tubular stranding machine

管绞机筒体 stranding rotor

高速管绞机 high speed tubular stranding machine10

对群绞设备10- twin group stranding machine

十三头绞线机13- fold twisting machine

十八盘两段卧式绞线成缆机18- bobbin 2-cage horizontal wire stranding and laying-up machine

十八盘绞笼18- bobbin bay

压铝护套 Extruded Aluminium Sheath

钢芯铝绞线 ACSR

钢芯铝绞线 ACSR cable4

对群绞设备4- twin group stranding plant

绞盘、绞车 winch

钢丝绳、钢缆、钢绞线 wire rope

绞线机 wire-stranding machine

绕接、缠绕接线法、导体的扭绞连接 wire-wrap connection

钢丝绳、钢缆、钢绞线 wirerope

带退扭的(绞线) with backtwist

不带退扭的(绞线) without backtwist

绞笼架 yoke

镀锌钢绞线 zinc-coated steel strand

立式绞线机 vertical twister

绞合电缆 twsit cable

绞合补偿器、节距调节器 twsit compensator

分层绞线 twsit conductor

绞合对、多股绞合线 twsit pair

扭绞节距、绞距 twsit pitch

复星绞组 twsit quadruplet

扭绞试样成型机 twsit test specimen forming machine

绞合线 twsit wire

同向绞合 unidirectional lay

同节距绞合 unilay stranding

单位式(绞合)电缆 unit cable

单位式绞合 unit lay-up

单位屏蔽对绞电缆 unit shielded paired cable

单位式绞合 unit stranding

单位式绞缆机 unit stranding machine

单位绞电缆 unit twin cable

单位式(绞合)电缆 unit-stranded cable

单位绞 unit-stranding

单位式(绞合)电缆 unit-type stranded cable

三层同心绞合电缆、三相同轴电缆 triple concentric cable

管式绞线机、管绞机 tube strander

筒式绞线机 tubolarbloc

(筒)笼式绞线机 tubolarbloc cage strander

管式绞线机、管绞机 tubular closer

管绞机 tubular strander

预加压管式绞线机 tubular strander with prestressing

防噪音管式绞线机 tubular strander with sound-proof guards

(式)绞(合) tubular stranding

管式绞线机、管绞机 tubular stranding machine

双绞和四线组对绞电缆 twin and quad pairing cable

双芯电缆、对绞电缆 twin cable

三层共挤 triple extrusion

双金属挤压、多层一次挤出、共挤出(法) co-extrusion

共挤十字机头 coextrusion crosshead

三层共挤 boned triple extrusion

直埋 dirdect burial

校直 straighten

辊式矫直机 straighteners

矫直 straighening

直径 diameter

成品电缆的标称直径 BASFOD

线材矫直器 wire straightener

线材矫直切割机 wire straightening and cutting machine

垂直安装[排列] vertical arrangement

立式垂直浇铸 vertical cast

立式垂直浇铸 vertical casting

耐垂直蠕变性 vertical creep resistance

垂直燃烧试验 vertical flame test

垂直敷设 vertical installation

垂直升降式收、放线装置 vertical lift pay-off and take-up

垂直升降式电缆盘架 vertical lift type drum stand

垂直偏振 vertical polarization

直升装置用电缆 vertical riser cable

垂直敷设 vertical run

垂直悬挂试验 vertical suspension test

垂直托架火焰[燃烧]试验 vertical-tray flame test

垂直偏振电磁波 vertically-polarized electromagnetic wave

地下电缆、直埋电缆 underground cable

组合式辊压模、互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置 turks(-)head

互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置 turks(head) roll

直径缩小、缩径 thinning

直通线路 through circuit

直通线路 through line

直接通信 through-traffic

定线、与….成一直线 to be flush

定线、与……成一直线 to be in line with

将金属线拉制成大、中、小直径 to draw wires down to large,medium,small diameters

串列式轧机、直线式轧机 tandem rolling mill

拉伸、矫直 stretching

直裂缝、裂缝[纹、口]、拼合的、分开的 split





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