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toyiye 2024-06-21 12:01 9 浏览 0 评论


Workers install solar panels in Qinhuangdao, Hebei province. [Photo/Xinhua]

Supported by full supply chains and robust policy measures, China has achieved leapfrog development in renewable energy in recent years, with its installed capacity ranking top globally.近年来,在全供应链和强有力政策措施的支持下,中国在可再生能源领域实现了跨越式发展,可再生能源装机容量居全球首位。

After years of development, the nation is the world's largest producer of wind and solar power, as well as the largest domestic and outbound investor in renewable energy, according to the National Energy Administration.据国家能源局介绍,经过多年发展,中国已成为全球最大的风能和太阳能生产国,在国内外的可再生能源投资规模最大。

In the past 10 years, total installed capacity for renewable energy generation in China rose to 1.1 billion kilowatts, with generation capacity of hydropower, wind, solar and biomass ranking top worldwide. The combined installed capacity of wind and solar power has reached 670 million kWs, almost 90 times the level in 2012, the administration said.十年间,中国可再生能源发电总装机达到11亿千瓦,水电、风电、光伏发电、生物质发电装机规模稳居世界第一。其中,风电光伏并网装机合计6.7亿千瓦,是2012年的近90倍。

During the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, China's renewable energy generation capacity is expected to account for more than 50 percent of the total, and the generation capacity for wind and solar power will be doubled, further cementing the nation's role as a global leader in renewable energy capacity growth, according to the administration.国家能源局表示,“十四五”期间,可再生能源发电量增量在全社会用电量增量中的占比预计将超过50%,风电和太阳能发电量实现翻倍,将进一步巩固中国在可再生能源发展领域的世界领先位置。

Wei Hanyang, a power market analyst at research company BloombergNEF, said part of the reason for this rapid development is China's unparalleled advantages in boosting clean power installation due to massive demand from the domestic market. State-owned grid operators have also made efforts to ensure renewables are consumed, rather than wasted.调查公司彭博新能源财经电力市场分析师魏汉阳表示,中国可再生能源快速发展部分归功于国内市场的巨大需求,中国在推动清洁能源建设方面具有无可比拟的优势。此外,国有电力运营商努力确保可再生能源的利用,避免资源浪费。

"Renewable energy has become the principal source of the country's newly added installed generation capacity in recent years, especially solar and wind power. China leads globally in installed capacities for wind, photovoltaic, hydro and biomass power, as it presses ahead with a green development path," Wei said.魏汉阳称:“近年来,可再生能源已成为中国新增电力主力,尤其是太阳能和风能。随着中国正向绿色发展转型,中国在风电、光伏发电、水电和生物质发电装机规模方面处于全球领先地位。”

He believes the nation's renewable energy sector will see steady growth and that solar power, in particular, will witness further widespread installations.他相信,中国可再生能源行业将稳步增长,尤其是太阳能发电装机规模将进一步扩大。

China's rapid development of renewable energy has also attracted multinationals. Shell plc, SABIC and Honeywell have announced plans in recent years to invest in the nation's renewable energy sector due to its rapid growth momentum and huge potential. Global energy and chemical giants are drawing up local plans that cover a broad range of subsectors such as petrochemicals, hydrogen, vehicle charging stations and carbon capture, utilization and storage, or CCUS.中国可再生能源的迅速发展也吸引了跨国公司。由于中国可再生能源行业发展势头迅猛,潜力巨大,近年来,壳牌公司、沙特基础工业公司和霍尼韦尔公司宣布计划对该行业进行投资。全球能源和化工巨头们正在制定涵盖广泛可再生能源子领域的本土投资计划,包括石油化工、氢、汽车充电站以及碳捕集、利用和封存等领域。

Shell plc, which is based in London, has steadily invested in China's renewable energy market in recent years. Part of the company's blueprint is to expand its hydrogen footprint in the country by building a network of hydrogen refueling stations in Shanghai — Shell's first hydrogen refueling network in Asia — in cooperation with State-owned enterprise Shenergy Group Co.总部位于伦敦的壳牌公司近年来一直在投资中国可再生能源市场。该公司的部分规划是通过与中国国有企业申能集团合作,在上海建成该公司首个亚洲加氢站网络,以扩大其在中国相关业务规模。

The joint venture said it plans to build six to 10 hydrogen refueling stations in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta region in the next five years, rising to 30 stations by 2030.该合资公司计划未来五年内,在包括上海在内的长江三角洲地区建成6-10座加氢站,到2030年建成30座。

Shell also expressed optimism about the prospects for CCUS in China, believing it is essential to helping the nation achieve a carbon emission peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060.壳牌还对碳捕集、利用和封存在中国的发展前景表示乐观,认为这对帮助中国实现“2030年前碳达峰、2060年前碳中和”的目标至关重要。

Jason Wong, executive chairman of Shell Companies in China, said the nation's significant geological potential for storing carbon — it has an estimated 2,400 gigatons of storage capacity, second only to that of the United States — means there is plenty of potential to tap.壳牌公司中国区执行董事长黄志昌表示,中国具有巨大的碳封存地质潜力,估算碳封存能力为2.4万亿吨,仅次于美国,这意味着中国在该领域有巨大潜力可以挖掘。

US energy company ExxonMobil has announced that it will cooperate with China National Offshore Oil Corp and Shell plc to develop a carbon capture and storage, or CCS, hub in Huizhou, Guangdong province. The facility, China's first large-scale offshore CCS hub capable of capturing up to 10 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions and meet the decarbonization needs of enterprises in the area.美国能源公司埃克森美孚宣布,将与中国海洋石油集团有限公司、壳牌公司合作,在广东省惠州市开发捕集与封存(CCS)枢纽。该设施是中国首个能够每年捕集高达1000万公吨二氧化碳的大型海上CCS中心,将显著减少二氧化碳排放,满足该地区企业的脱碳需求。

Luo Zuoxian, head of intelligence and research at the Sinopec Economics and Development Research Institute, said foreign investment in China's energy sector is expected to rise as the nation continues to step up its green energy transition, with the aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2060.中国石化集团经济与发展研究院情报与研究部主任罗作贤表示,在“2060年前实现碳中和”的目标下,随着中国坚持推进绿色能源转型,预计中国能源领域的外国投资将有所增加。

"Leading in renewable energy production figures for years, China has a market potential that no other country can match," he said.他表示:“多年来,中国在可再生能源生产领域一直处于全球领先地位,具有其他国家无法比拟的市场潜力。”

State-owned energy enterprises are also helping the country's green energy transition by optimizing their business.国有能源企业也在通过优化业务助推中国绿色能源转型。

For example, China Petrochemical Corp, also known as Sinopec — the world's largest refiner by volume — has continuously boosted its green hydrogen manufacturing capacity and expanded its hydrogen refueling network across the country.例如,中国石油化工集团有限公司(简称“中石化”)一直在不断提高其绿色制氢能力,并在全国范围内扩大其加氢网络。

Taking advantage of its nationwide gas refueling network, the company has actively built its hydrogen refueling network in China. It aims for the refueling capacity for this gas to reach 120,000 tons per year by 2025.该公司利用其覆盖全国的加油网络,在中国积极建设其加氢网络。其目标是2025年实现加氢能力每年12万吨左右。

Sinopec has stepped up work at its refinery using green hydrogen, which is derived from renewable sources including solar and wind. It is also working to increase the use of renewable energy in hydrogen production to gradually replace fossil fuel in the refinery sector. The aim is to gain a lead in the high-quality development of the nation's hydrogen market and promote the consumption of cleaner energy in the transportation and industrial sectors.中石化已升级其炼油过程,使用绿色氢,绿色氢来自太阳能和风能等可再生能源。该公司还在氢气生产中使用更多可再生能源,以逐步取代炼油领域使用的化石燃料。其目标是在中国氢能产业高质量发展中取得领先地位,并促进运输和工业领域的清洁能源消费。

Thanks to these efforts, China has developed a complete industrial system for renewable energy technology during the past 10 years. 通过这些努力,中国在过去10年中已经形成一套完整的可再生能源技术产业体系。

As a result, the scale of development and use of renewable energy in China was equivalent to 753 million tons of standard coal last year, reducing 2.07 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 400,000 tons of sulfur dioxide and 450,000 tons of nitrogen oxide, the administration said.因此,2021年中国可再生能源开发利用规模相当于7.53亿吨标准煤,减少二氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放量分别约20.7亿吨、40万吨、45万吨。

The nation's rapid development of renewable energy has further boosted global employment. According to the recently released Renewable Energy and Jobs Annual Review 2022 from the International Renewable Energy Agency, employment worldwide in the sector reached 12.7 million jobs last year, with China accounting for nearly half the total, despite the lingering effects of COVID-19 and the global energy crisis.中国可再生能源的快速发展进一步促进了全球就业。国际可再生能源机构近日发布的《可再生能源与就业:2022年回顾》显示,尽管新冠疫情和全球能源危机的影响仍在持续,但2021年全球可再生能源行业就业人数达到1270万,其中中国人占总就业人数的近一半。

Nearly two-thirds of these jobs are in Asia, with China taking up 42 percent of the global figure, followed by the European Union and Brazil with 10 percent each, and the US and India with 7 percent each.近三分之二的就业岗位在亚洲,中国占全球总数的 42%,其次是欧盟和巴西各占10%,美国和印度分别占7%。

Last year, 5.4 million people were employed in the renewable energy sector in China, up from 4.7 million in 2020. Of these positions, solar photovoltaic claimed the largest share, with a workforce estimated at close to 2.7 million, up from 2.3 million in 2020.去年,中国可再生能源行业就业人数从2020年的470万增加到540万。光伏发电领域创造就业机会最多,提供工作岗位接近270万,高于2020年的230万。

China also accounted for 48 percent of the 1.4 million jobs in the global onshore and offshore wind market last year. The nation was also the largest contributor to hydropower jobs, accounting for 37 percent of such employment globally, despite the pandemic delaying completion of some projects.2021年,全球陆上和海上风电行业创了140万个工作岗位,其中中国占比48%。尽管疫情导致一些项目建设推迟,但中国仍是水电行业就业的最大贡献者,全球占比37%。

Liu Dechun, director of the Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection at the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator, believes China can peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 as planned, because it has made considerable progress in its green and low-carbon energy transformation during the past decade.国家发展改革委资源节约和环境保护司司长刘德春认为,中国一定能够如期实现碳达峰碳中和目标,因为在过去十年,中国在推动能源绿色低碳转型方面取得显著成效。

China's clean energy consumption accounted for 25.5 percent of total energy use last year, a rise of 11 percentage points from 2012. Its share of coal consumption stood at 56 percent last year, a fall of 12.5 percentage points from 2012, the department said.2021年,中国清洁能源消费占比达到25.5%,比2012年提升了11个百分点;煤炭消费占比下降至56%,比2012年下降了12.5个百分点。

The nation's installed capacity for generating wind and photovoltaic power rose by about 12-fold from 2012, and its new energy power generation output exceeded 1 trillion kilowatt-hours for the first time.风光发电装机规模比2012年增长了12倍左右,新能源发电量首次超过1万亿千瓦时。







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