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润杰单张机SignMaster软件操作介绍Saga Sheet Cutter Informatio

toyiye 2024-06-21 12:02 11 浏览 0 评论

SignMaster - Saga Sheet Cutter Information

SignMaster- Saga 单张机信息

Opening the Barcode Controller 启动条形码控制器

Many of the instructions in this document require you to open the Barcode controller module. To launch the barcode controller from the SignMaster program, follow the steps below:


1. Run the Vinyl Spooler 启动切割后台.

2. Click on “Barcode Controller” 点击“条形码控制器”.

3. The barcode controller module should now be running.


Confirming that the machine has the correct firmware version


After you have first installed the program you will need to run a quick test to ensure that the machine has been shipped with necessary firmware version needed to scan barcodes correctly.


  1. Open the Barcode controller module.
  1. Ensure that the machine is connected to the computer, plugged in and turned on.
  1. From the “Cutter” menu, click on “Check Cutter Compatibility”

The software will then inform you if the machine has the required firmware and is ready to be used with the software.


Initial Calibration 初始校准

After you have installed the program you will need to perform an initial calibration. This calibration is required and should only need to be performed once.


Instructions 说明:

Remove the blade from the cutter, and load the pen tool.

移除刻字机中的刻刀并放入笔。Load a sheet of plain A4 paper and test that the pen is drawing correctly. Adjust the force if required until you are able to get a sharp continuous pen line.


Load a blank sheet of paper into the machine and position the pen in the middle of the sheet of paper and set the base point (origin) to 0,0.


Run the Barcode controller, and from the “Cutter” menu, click on “Auto Calibrate Laser Offset”

运行条形码控制器,在“Cutter”菜单中,点击“Auto Calibrate Laser Offset”

The machine will move over the area it is about to mark with the pen. If the cutter does not move the pen off the edge of the paper, click ok to begin the automatic calibration process.


Once completed, the software will now be calibrated, ready to use.


Note 注意:

If the calibration process fails, ensure that the pen is making clear, sharp lines on the paper.


Cutting the Sample test print 切割样本测试

After calibrating the laser offset, you are ready to perform a cutting test using a predesigned sample.


  1. Open the barcode controller.
  1. From the “Jobs” menu, click on “Sample File” to open the pre-designed sample file.

If you want to access this sample pdf file directly, you can find it in the following location:



Note: Some computers do not show the “ProgramData” folder, so you may have to manually type it into windows explorer.

注意:有些电脑不显示文件夹“ProgramData”,那样您或许需要在windows 程序管理器中手动输入。

  1. Print this PDF file at 100% size.

This is a very important detail when using the sheet cutter. All artwork needs to be printed at the actual size, and not scaled to fit the paper.


The sample test print contains a box that should measure 180mm x 180mm, which you can check after printing to confirm that the artwork is printing at the correct size.


(The sample test print)

  1. Load the test print(s) into the sheet cutter.
  1. In the Barcode controller, set the Mark positions to match the position of the marks in this job.

Note 注意:

When designing the artwork, you are able to choose how far the marks are placed from the edge of the paper. You should try to use the same value for all jobs, so you do not have to keep changing this value.


If you do not have the mark positions set correctly, the cutter will try to look for the marks in the wrong place, and be unable to find them.


  1. Click “Start” to begin scanning and cutting the sheet.

Note 注意:

If you are using plain paper, remember to use the pen tool, and not the blade tool!


Paper Size and Mark Positions 纸张尺寸及标记点坐标

The barcode controller module need have the “Paper Size” set to match the size of the paper you are about to cut.


If you do not set this value correctly, the machine will not be able to load/eject the paper correctly.


Mark Positions 标记点坐标

There are 2 things that cause the position of the marks to change. The main reason is the positions you use when you design the artwork.标记点坐标的改变有两个因素。主要原因为您设计的图稿时所使用的位置。

The other factor that could influence the printed location of the marks is the printer. Some printers may print the artwork in a slightly different position, for example, 2mm further away from the edge of the paper, etc.


You can easily correct for both of these situations by physically measuring the actual printed position of the marks (as shown in the picture above), and entering in the measured values.测量打印图稿的标记点位置可以轻松纠正这两种情况,请按照上图所示输入测量数值。

Take special care to notice what parts of the marks need to be measured (shown by the green and red arrows above), and enter the values in the correct edit boxes (as shown by the color circles that need to match the color arrows)


(Notice how you need to pay special attention to the exact place to measure from)


Creating your first design 创建您的第一份设计

After you have practiced with the built in sample print, you are now ready to create your own artwork.


The instructions below show you the main steps required to build, print and send the artwork to the machine.


Ensure that the page size for your artwork is set to either A4 or A3 (or for A3+, 320mmx480mm)

确认您的图稿的页面尺寸为A4,A3或A3+(A3+为 320mmx480mm)

Click on the “Contour Cut Wizard” so you can add the scanning marks and barcode.

点击“Contour Cut Wizard”这样您可以添加扫描标记点及条形码。

Click on “Page Marks” to apply page marks. 点击“Page Marks”应用页面标记点。

Check the Page Mark Margins are correct.


Note: You should ensure that the Top margin and the Bottom margin are set to the same value, so you can load the sheets upside down as well as the normal way.


Close the Contour Cutting Wizard to return to the designing window.


Load your artwork that you want to cut (using the “File” -> “Import” menu)

加载您想要切割的图稿(使用“File”-> “Import”菜单)

Click on “Create Cut Contour” to build the cutting contour.


Generate the cutting contour then click “Accept”


Duplicate the logo, using either the “Tile Array” tool, or manually making copies using the “+” key on the number pad.


Click “Contour Cut Wizard” to open the contour cut wizard.


Choose the “Printing Device”, based on how you want to create the printing artwork.You can either print directly to your printer, or save a PDF or TIFF file to be printed by some other means.

选择“Printing Device”,根据需要您可以直接在您的打印机中直接打印输出或者保存为PDF或者Tiff文件稍后打印。


After you have built the print artwork, which we recommend you use “Save PDF” option, so you always have a copy of the actual artwork with the correct barcode number, you must also submit the cutting data (Add CutJob).

创建打印文件后,我们建议您使用“Save PDF”选项,这样您可以留有含有条形码的备份,您必须提交切割数据(添加Cutjob)

After creating the printing PDF, click “Add Cutjob”

创建打印PDF后,点击“Add Cutjob”

You will see a message appear, letting you know that the cutting data has been generated for the PDF file you just created.





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