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Thttpd源程序解析16 thttpd请求处理过程httpd_parse_request函数

toyiye 2024-04-07 14:12 16 浏览 0 评论



























int httpd_parse_request( httpd_conn* hc )
 char* buf;
 char* method_str;
 char* url;
 char* protocol;
 char* reqhost;
 char* eol;
 char* cp;
 char* pi;
 hc->checked_idx = 0;	/* reset */
 method_str = bufgets( hc );
 url = strpbrk( method_str, " \t\012\015" );
 if ( url == (char*) 0 )
		httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
		return -1;
 *url++ = '\0';
 url += strspn( url, " \t\012\015" );
 protocol = strpbrk( url, " \t\012\015" );
 if ( protocol == (char*) 0 )
		protocol = "HTTP/0.9";
		hc->mime_flag = 0;
		*protocol++ = '\0';
		protocol += strspn( protocol, " \t\012\015" );
		if ( *protocol != '\0' )
	 	eol = strpbrk( protocol, " \t\012\015" );
	 	if ( eol != (char*) 0 )
				*eol = '\0';
	 	if ( strcasecmp( protocol, "HTTP/1.0" ) != 0 )
				hc->one_one = 1;
 hc->protocol = protocol;
 /* Check for HTTP/1.1 absolute URL. */
 if ( strncasecmp( url, "http://", 7 ) == 0 )
		if ( ! hc->one_one )
	 	httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	 	return -1;
		reqhost = url + 7;
		url = strchr( reqhost, '/' );
		if ( url == (char*) 0 )
	 	httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	 	return -1;
		*url = '\0';
		if ( strchr( reqhost, '/' ) != (char*) 0 || reqhost[0] == '.' )
	 	httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	 	return -1;
		httpd_realloc_str( &hc->reqhost, &hc->maxreqhost, strlen( reqhost ) );
		(void) strcpy( hc->reqhost, reqhost );
		*url = '/';
 if ( *url != '/' )
		httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
		return -1;
 if ( strcasecmp( method_str, httpd_method_str( METHOD_GET ) ) == 0 )
		hc->method = METHOD_GET;
 else if ( strcasecmp( method_str, httpd_method_str( METHOD_HEAD ) ) == 0 )
		hc->method = METHOD_HEAD;
 else if ( strcasecmp( method_str, httpd_method_str( METHOD_POST ) ) == 0 )
		hc->method = METHOD_POST;
 else if ( strcasecmp( method_str, httpd_method_str( METHOD_PUT ) ) == 0 )
		hc->method = METHOD_PUT;
 else if ( strcasecmp( method_str, httpd_method_str( METHOD_DELETE ) ) == 0 )
		hc->method = METHOD_DELETE;
 else if ( strcasecmp( method_str, httpd_method_str( METHOD_TRACE ) ) == 0 )
		hc->method = METHOD_TRACE;
		httpd_send_err( hc, 501, err501title, "", err501form, method_str );
		return -1;
 hc->encodedurl = url;
 httpd_realloc_str(&hc->decodedurl, &hc->maxdecodedurl, strlen( hc->encodedurl ) );
 strdecode( hc->decodedurl, hc->encodedurl );
 httpd_realloc_str(&hc->origfilename, &hc->maxorigfilename, strlen( hc->decodedurl ) );
 (void) strcpy( hc->origfilename, &hc->decodedurl[1] );
 /* Special case for top-level URL. */
 if ( hc->origfilename[0] == '\0' )
		(void) strcpy( hc->origfilename, "." );
 /* Extract query string from encoded URL. */
 cp = strchr( hc->encodedurl, '?' );
 if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
		httpd_realloc_str( &hc->query, &hc->maxquery, strlen( cp ) );
		(void) strcpy( hc->query, cp );
		/* Remove query from (decoded) origfilename. */
		cp = strchr( hc->origfilename, '?' );
		if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
			*cp = '\0';
 de_dotdot( hc->origfilename );
 if ( hc->origfilename[0] == '/' ||( hc->origfilename[0] == '.' && hc->origfilename[1] == '.' &&( hc->origfilename[2] == '\0' || hc->origfilename[2] == '/' ) ) )
		httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
		return -1;
 if ( hc->mime_flag )
		/* Read the MIME headers. */
		while ( ( buf = bufgets( hc ) ) != (char*) 0 )
	 	if ( buf[0] == '\0' )
	 	if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Referer:", 8 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[8];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				hc->referrer = cp;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Referrer:", 9 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[9];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				hc->referrer = cp;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "User-Agent:", 11 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[11];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				hc->useragent = cp;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Host:", 5 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[5];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				hc->hdrhost = cp;
				cp = strchr( hc->hdrhost, ':' );
				if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
					*cp = '\0';
				if ( strchr( hc->hdrhost, '/' ) != (char*) 0 || hc->hdrhost[0] == '.' )
		 		httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
		 		return -1;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Accept:", 7 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[7];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				if ( hc->accept[0] != '\0' )
		 		if ( strlen( hc->accept ) > 5000 )
						syslog(LOG_ERR, "%.80s way too much Accept: data",httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ) );
		 		httpd_realloc_str(&hc->accept, &hc->maxaccept,strlen( hc->accept ) + 2 + strlen( cp ) );
		 		(void) strcat( hc->accept, ", " );
					httpd_realloc_str(&hc->accept, &hc->maxaccept, strlen( cp ) );
				(void) strcat( hc->accept, cp );
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Accept-Encoding:", 16 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[16];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				if ( hc->accepte[0] != '\0' )
		 		if ( strlen( hc->accepte ) > 5000 )
						syslog(LOG_ERR, "%.80s way too much Accept-Encoding: data",httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ) );
		 		httpd_realloc_str(&hc->accepte, &hc->maxaccepte,strlen( hc->accepte ) + 2 + strlen( cp ) );
		 		(void) strcat( hc->accepte, ", " );
					httpd_realloc_str(&hc->accepte, &hc->maxaccepte, strlen( cp ) );
				(void) strcpy( hc->accepte, cp );
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Accept-Language:", 16 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[16];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				hc->acceptl = cp;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "If-Modified-Since:", 18 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[18];
				hc->if_modified_since = tdate_parse( cp );
				if ( hc->if_modified_since == (time_t) -1 )
					syslog( LOG_DEBUG, "unparsable time: %.80s", cp );
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Cookie:", 7 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[7];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				hc->cookie = cp;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Range:", 6 ) == 0 )
				/* Only support %d- and %d-%d, not %d-%d,%d-%d or -%d. */
				if ( strchr( buf, ',' ) == (char*) 0 )
		 		char* cp_dash;
		 		cp = strpbrk( buf, "=" );
		 		if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
						cp_dash = strchr( cp + 1, '-' );
						if ( cp_dash != (char*) 0 && cp_dash != cp + 1 )
			 			*cp_dash = '\0';
			 			hc->got_range = 1;
			 			hc->first_byte_index = atoll( cp + 1 );
			 			if ( hc->first_byte_index < 0 )
								hc->first_byte_index = 0;
			 			if ( isdigit( (int) cp_dash[1] ) )
								hc->last_byte_index = atoll( cp_dash + 1 );
								if ( hc->last_byte_index < 0 )
									hc->last_byte_index = -1;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Range-If:", 9 ) == 0 ||strncasecmp( buf, "If-Range:", 9 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[9];
				hc->range_if = tdate_parse( cp );
				if ( hc->range_if == (time_t) -1 )
					syslog( LOG_DEBUG, "unparsable time: %.80s", cp );
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Content-Type:", 13 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[13];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				hc->contenttype = cp;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Content-Length:", 15 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[15];
				hc->contentlength = atol( cp );
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Authorization:", 14 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[14];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				hc->authorization = cp;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Connection:", 11 ) == 0 )
				cp = &buf[11];
				cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
				if ( strcasecmp( cp, "keep-alive" ) == 0 )
					hc->keep_alive = 1;
	 	else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Accept-Charset:", 15 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Accept-Language:", 16 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Agent:", 6 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Cache-Control:", 14 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Cache-Info:", 11 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Charge-To:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Client-IP:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Date:", 5 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Extension:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Forwarded:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "From:", 5 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "HTTP-Version:", 13 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Max-Forwards:", 13 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Message-Id:", 11 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "MIME-Version:", 13 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Negotiate:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Pragma:", 7 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Proxy-Agent:", 12 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Proxy-Connection:", 17 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Security-Scheme:", 16 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Session-Id:", 11 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "UA-Color:", 9 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "UA-CPU:", 7 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "UA-Disp:", 8 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "UA-OS:", 6 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "UA-Pixels:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "User:", 5 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "Via:", 4 ) == 0 ||
		 	strncasecmp( buf, "X-", 2 ) == 0 )
				; /* ignore */
				syslog( LOG_DEBUG, "unknown request header: %.80s", buf );
 if ( hc->one_one )
		/* Check that HTTP/1.1 requests specify a host, as required. */
		if ( hc->reqhost[0] == '\0' && hc->hdrhost[0] == '\0' )
	 	httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	 	return -1;
		/* If the client wants to do keep-alives, it might also be doing
		** pipelining. There's no way for us to tell. Since we don't
		** implement keep-alives yet, if we close such a connection there
		** might be unread pipelined requests waiting. So, we have to
		** do a lingering close.
		if ( hc->keep_alive )
			hc->should_linger = 1;
 /* Ok, the request has been parsed. Now we resolve stuff that
 ** may require the entire request.
 /* Copy original filename to expanded filename. */
 httpd_realloc_str(&hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename, strlen( hc->origfilename ) );
 (void) strcpy( hc->expnfilename, hc->origfilename );
 /* Tilde mapping. */
 if ( hc->expnfilename[0] == '~' )
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_1
		if ( ! tilde_map_1( hc ) )
	 	httpd_send_err( hc, 404, err404title, "", err404form, hc->encodedurl );
	 	return -1;
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_1 */
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
		if ( ! tilde_map_2( hc ) )
	 	httpd_send_err( hc, 404, err404title, "", err404form, hc->encodedurl );
	 	return -1;
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
 /* Virtual host mapping. */
 if ( hc->hs->vhost )
		if ( ! vhost_map( hc ) )
	 	httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	 	return -1;
 /* Expand all symbolic links in the filename. This also gives us
 ** any trailing non-existing components, for pathinfo.
 cp = expand_symlinks( hc->expnfilename, &pi, hc->hs->no_symlink_check, hc->tildemapped );
 if ( cp == (char*) 0 )
		httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
		return -1;
 httpd_realloc_str( &hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename, strlen( cp ) );
 (void) strcpy( hc->expnfilename, cp );
 httpd_realloc_str( &hc->pathinfo, &hc->maxpathinfo, strlen( pi ) );
 (void) strcpy( hc->pathinfo, pi );
 /* Remove pathinfo stuff from the original filename too. */
 if ( hc->pathinfo[0] != '\0' )
		int i;
		i = strlen( hc->origfilename ) - strlen( hc->pathinfo );
		if ( i > 0 && strcmp( &hc->origfilename[i], hc->pathinfo ) == 0 )
			hc->origfilename[i - 1] = '\0';
 /* If the expanded filename is an absolute path, check that it's still
 ** within the current directory or the alternate directory.
 if ( hc->expnfilename[0] == '/' )
		if ( strncmp(hc->expnfilename, hc->hs->cwd, strlen( hc->hs->cwd ) ) == 0 )
	 	/* Elide the current directory. */
	 	(void) ol_strcpy(hc->expnfilename, &hc->expnfilename[strlen( hc->hs->cwd )] );
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
		else if ( hc->altdir[0] != '\0' &&
		 ( strncmp(
		 hc->expnfilename, hc->altdir,
		 strlen( hc->altdir ) ) == 0 &&
		 ( hc->expnfilename[strlen( hc->altdir )] == '\0' ||
		 hc->expnfilename[strlen( hc->altdir )] == '/' ) ) )
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
			LOG_NOTICE, "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" goes outside the web tree",
			httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
			hc, 403, err403title, "",
			ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a file outside the permitted web server directory tree.\n" ),
			hc->encodedurl );
	 	return -1;
 return 0;




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