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toyiye 2024-06-21 12:27 10 浏览 0 评论



2022 年 6 月 26 日

好消息隐藏在另一个……更令人惊讶的是这个。 而且史无前例!上周四,在大会结束时,全国排球联盟(LNV)宣布已与 BeIN 体育频道达成协议,将在 2022 赛季每天转播一场男子排球甲级联赛。 2023 年,法国职业排球迎来了重返小荧幕的好机会,这则消息几个月来几乎是无人所知。

但在同一次大会上,全国排球联盟 (LNV)主席 Yves Bouget 向在场的 30 名职业俱乐部代表透露了另一条消息 - 这次是“机密”。根据我们的消息,联赛主席已宣布已与外国协会联系,希望允许他们选择参加法国甲级联赛。

目标就是让国外球队能够为 2024 年在法国举行的巴黎奥运会做准备。根据一些消息来源,这个国家将是中国,目前在国际排联(FIVB)的世界排名中排名第 17。

作为回报,全国排球联盟(LNV) 和俱乐部将获得可观的经济补偿。我们谈论的是一张超过一百万欧元的支票。对于法国排球来说,这是一笔可观的收入,尽管训练在世界范围内享有盛誉和认可,而且法国队去年夏天在东京奥运会上的出色表现,但它仍在努力发展和吸引合作伙伴。

这支“中国国家队”在甲A联赛的到来,可能会在下学年开始生效。这一到来,如果它成为现实,可能会引发许多问题。物流、体育和道德。最初,有必要计划一个有 15 支参与者而不是计划中的 14 支参与者的新的竞赛日程。根据我们的信息,这个“选择”会打满赛季,但不能参加季后赛,也不能降级。联赛中的特殊地位,可能会扭曲分组。


这个“中国选中者”还需要能够从其主办“主场”比赛的场馆中收益。强劲的趋势将是它在巴黎地区落户,该地区具有两个机场服务的优势,最重要的是巴黎是下一届奥运会的举办地点。因此,中国球队可以与巴黎排球“联姻”,在首都第 13 区的 Charléty 体育场进行比赛。她还可以在首都附近的一个小镇找到栖身所。

如果外国球队的出现是法国联赛的第一次,那么让年轻的法国冠军在职业世界中衡量自己 - 以加快他们的训练 - 这一事实并不是新生事物。在排球方面,France Avenir 2024 球队已经参加了女子甲级联赛和男子乙级联赛。在篮球方面,由 Insep 的年轻法国投手组成的联邦中心参加男子国家 1 级(第 3 类)在女子法甲 2 。


原文:Volleyball: what if the Chinese selection came to play in the French championship?

June 26, 2022

The good news hid another… much more surprising this one. And unprecedented! Last Thursday at the end of its General Assembly, the National Volleyball League (LNV) announced that an agreement had been reached with the BeIN Sports channel for the broadcast of one men’s League A match per day for the 2022 season. 2023. A welcome return to the small screen for French professional volleyball, which had been playing in near-anonymity for months.

But during this same GA, Yves Bouget, the president of the LNV, revealed another piece of news – “confidential” this time – to the thirty representatives of professional clubs present. According to our information, the League boss has announced that he has been contacted by a foreign Federation which would like to allow his selection to play in League A.

The goal would be for her to be able to prepare for the future Paris Olympics in 2024 in France. According to several sources, this nation would be China, currently 17th in the world ranking of the IFVB.

In return, the LNV and the clubs would receive a nice financial compensation. We are talking about a check for more than a million euros. A welcome sum for French volleyball, which is struggling to develop and attract partners despite training that is renowned and recognized throughout the world and the fine performances of the French team, Olympic champions in Tokyo last summer.

The arrival of this “Chinese national team” in League A could be effective from the start of the next school year. This arrival, if it were to materialize, could raise many questions. Logistics, sports and ethics. It would be necessary, initially, to plan a new calendar with 15 participants instead of the 14 planned. According to our information, this “selection” would play the season but could not participate in the playoffs or be relegated. A special status in the championship which could distort the classification.

A cohabitation with Paris Volleyball?

It will also be necessary for this “Chinese selection” to be able to benefit from a room to host its “home” matches. The strong trend would be for it to settle in the Paris region, which has the advantage of being served by two airports and, above all, the location of the next Games. It could therefore cohabit with Paris Volleyball which played at the Charléty stadium in the 13th arrondissement of the capital. She could also find refuge in a town near the capital.

If the presence of a foreign selection would be a first in a French championship, the fact of allowing young French champions to measure themselves against the professional world – in order to accelerate their training – is not new. In volleyball, the France Avenir 2024 teams are already playing in the women’s League A and in the men’s League B. Also in basketball, the Federal Center, made up of young French shooters from Insep, plays in the men’s National 1 (3rd level) and in the women’s Ligue 2.

It remains to be seen whether the federal regulations will allow the presence of a foreign team in an official championship in France. Such a request will undoubtedly have its supporters and detractors.






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