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针对俄乌冲突,GitHub CEO发文表态

toyiye 2024-06-21 12:27 9 浏览 0 评论


俄乌冲突爆发后,许多国际企业、组织机构在舆论压力下宣布了对俄罗斯的制裁。然而一刀切式的政策,无疑又将伤害无限扩大化。于是本周三,Thomas Dohmke 在代码托管平台 GitHub 上的一篇博客文章中写道:“我们对全球社区都十分关心,并且会继续留意与俄乌冲突相关的事态发展”。

CEO 撰文(来自:GitHub Blog)

Thomas Dohmke 指出:“我们在世界各地有许多亲友,其中就包括了乌克兰、俄罗斯、以及其它受影响的地区”。

作为一个成长于冷战时期的东德人,我仍记得 1990 年代初期的幸福与乐观,因为世界将人们更紧密地联系在了一起。


作为被所有开发者的寄予厚望的开源大家庭,GitHub 会认真对待我们在保护开放协作、以及信息自由流动方面所扮演的角色 —— 其中就包括让平台保持对所有人敞开怀抱,而无论其身处何方。

作为一家公司、一个平台、以及面向全球 Hubbers 的社区,我们很乐意分享 GitHub 是如何应对此类事件的最新动态。

首先,GitHub 致力于维护平台与公司的完整性:

GitHub 被许多人视作一款强大的工具,并借此开展交流、人道主义工作、组织变革、以及让人难以置信的其它技术进步。

我们切实相信着开源的力量,并将继续努力确保 GitHub 平台对全球所有开发者的开放、可用于安全性。

在让所有国家 / 地区的开发者都可使用 GitHub 的同时,我们将会继续确保所有人都可使用免费的开源服务,其中就包括身处俄罗斯地区的开发者们。

其次,GitHub 致力于提供强大的安全体验,以防止 GitHub 用户及其帐户受到威胁。

我们敦促开发人员设置双因素身份验证(2FA),且最好使用 WebAuthn 方案来增强账户的安全性。

与此同时,我们正在采取行动来支持 GitHub 平台,并遵守可能在俄乌冲突期间收到的诸多政府命令。

GitHub 的法务团队会对相关规定开展彻底的审查,且会遵从出口管制与贸易法规的动向。

此外 GitHub 会公开披露任何基于政府命令的下架通知,因为透明度是实现良好治理不可或缺的重要一环。

可以理解的是,在这个特别紧张的时期,社区成员对俄乌冲突产生了强烈的反应。我们正在执行可接受的使用政策和社区指南,以确保向所有人都提供安全的 GitHub 访问体验。


目前社区与产品运营团队正在对 GitHub 论坛上的讨论话题展开监测,且会根据相关反馈和准则进行评估并处理。

最后,GitHub 会优先考虑 Hubber 们的安全与福祉:

有一点是非常清楚的 —— 无论您当前或原先拥有哪个国籍,我们都会全力支持世界各地的每一位 Hubber 。


说到这,你要知道 GitHub 每年都会向合格的 Hubber 提供高达 15000 美元的赠款,且 Social Impact 团队有分享一份支援乌克兰的组织名单,以供大家参考。

作为一家公司,GitHub 已向 Razom 捐赠了 10 万美元、加上员工筹集的另外 20 万美元,以帮助在该地区开展的救援工作。

这包括为在慈善机构、以及在世界各地从事人道主义工作的 Hubber 们提供相应的捐款。


GitHub 将继续密切关注事态的发展,并会随着了解的深入而及时调整。


回应原文:Our response to the war in Ukraine

As the global response to the tragedies in Ukraine and other impacted regions continues to evolve, I wanted to share with our community an expansion of the message that I shared earlier this week with our Hubbers.

GitHub is united with the people of Ukraine and the international community in condemning these horrific acts of violence against a sovereign nation and its people. We continue to monitor the events in Europe surrounding the unlawful Russian military invasion of Ukraine.

We care deeply about our global community, and many of us have loved ones all over the world, including in Ukraine, Russia, and other impacted regions. I grew up in East Germany during the Cold War, and I remember the happiness and optimism in the early 1990s that the world would come closer together. What we are witnessing now is something I never wanted to see again. It is devastating for the innocent people in Ukraine, and it is leading to feelings of helplessness and anger for those of us near and far away.

As the home of open source and the home for all developers, we take our role seriously in protecting open collaboration and the free flow of information in our interconnected community. This includes keeping the platform open and available to all developers, no matter where they reside. I want to share the latest updates on how we are responding as a company, as a platform, and as a global community of Hubbers.

Maintaining the integrity of our platform and company
GitHub is a powerful tool for communications, humanitarian work, and organizing for change, as well as for incredible technological advancement. We truly believe in the power of open source, so we will continue to work hard to keep our platform available and safe for all developers around the world. In parallel with our efforts to make sure GitHub is available to developers in all countries, we are continuing to ensure free open source services are available to all, including developers in Russia.

We are also committed to providing strong security capabilities that can prevent GitHub users and their accounts from compromise, and we urge developers to set up 2FA, ideally with WebAuthn, to protect their accounts.

At the same time, we are taking action to support our platform and comply with the many government mandates you’ve likely read about in the context of this war. Our legal team examines such mandates thoroughly, and we are complying with export controls and trade regulations as they evolve. This includes implementing stringent new export controls that are aimed at severely restricting Russia’s access to technologies and other items it needs to sustain its aggressive military capabilities. Additionally, any government takedown notices we process are publicly posted because we believe that transparency is essential to good governance.

Understandably, our community has had strong reactions to the conflict in Ukraine during this particularly stressful time. We are enforcing our Acceptable Use Policies and Community Guidelines to make GitHub safe for everyone. If you observe behavior that represents a potential violation of our Acceptable Use Policies or Community Guidelines, please report it.

The Community and Product Operations teams are monitoring conversations in our forums and making assessments that abide by our codes of conduct for community forum and public feedback. We will lock discussions that violate these codes of conduct.

Prioritizing Hubber safety and well-being
I want to be very clear: we stand by every Hubber around the world regardless of your nationality or country of origin. Your well-being is of the utmost importance and you have our full support.

Many of you have messaged me, the leadership team, and your managers looking for ways you can directly support those in Ukraine. GitHub always matches up to $15,000 in donations per Hubber annually, and the Social Impact team has shared a list of organizations in support of Ukraine where Hubbers can donate.

GitHub as a company is also donating $100,000 to Razom and matching an additional $200,000 of donations from employees to help support relief efforts in the region. This includes matching donations for any volunteering hours Hubbers spend working for charities and doing humanitarian work across the world.

I want to reiterate that we take our role seriously in protecting open collaboration and the free flow of information in our interconnected, global community. We will continue to closely follow the events and adapt as we learn more. And like many others around the world, we hope for a peaceful resolution for the people of Ukraine and other impacted communities.







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