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toyiye 2024-05-09 18:41 20 浏览 0 评论

我们知道,运算符(operator)是表达式(expression)的组成部分,表达式可以构成语句(statement),但语句除了表达式语句(expression statement),还有流程控制语句(flow control statement)。语句构成函数(function),函数构成程序(progarm)。

An operation is a mathematical calculation involving zero or more input values, called operands. The specific operation to be performed is denoted by the provided operator. The result of an operation produces an output value.


Unary operators take one operand. Binary operators take two operands, often called left and right. Ternary operators take three operands.


An expression is a combination of literals, variables, operators, and function calls that are evaluated to produce a single output value. The calculation of this output value is called evaluation. The value produced is the result of the expression.


An expression statement is an expression that has been turned into a statement by placing a semicolon at the end of the expression.


A statement is a type of instruction that causes the program to perform some action. Statements are often terminated by a semicolon.


A function is a collection of statements that execute sequentially.


1 运算符

The specific operation to be performed is denoted by a construct (typically a symbol or pair of symbols) called an operator.


An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulations. C++ is rich in built-in operators and provide the following types of operators ?


  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Misc Operators

1.1 operator’s arity

The number of operands that an operator takes as input is called the operator’s arity . Operators in C++ come in three different arities:


Unary operators act on one operand. An example of a unary operator is the - operator. For example, given -5, operator- takes literal operand 5 and flips its sign to produce new output value -5.


Binary operators act on two operands (known as left and right). An example of a binary operator is the + operator. For example, given 3 + 4, operator+ takes the left operand (3) and the right operand (4) and applies mathematical addition to produce new output value 7. The insertion (<<) and extraction (>>) operators are binary operators, taking std::cout or std::cin on the left side, and the item to output or variable to input to on the right side.


Ternary operators act on three operands. There is only one of these in C++, whic is expression1 ? expression2 : expression3.

三元运算符作用于三个操作数。C++中只有一个这样的版本,表达式1 ? 表达式2 : 表达式3。

Note that some operators have more than one meaning depending on how they are used. For example, operator- has two contexts. It can be used in unary form to invert a number’s sign (e.g. to convert 5 to -5, or vice versa), or it can be used in binary form to do subtraction (e.g. 4 - 3).


1.2 Operators can be chained

Operators can be chained together such that the output of one operator can be used as the input for another operator. For example, given the following: 2 * 3 + 4, the multiplication operator goes first, and converts left operand 2 and right operand 3 into new value 6 (which becomes the left operand for the plus operator). Next, the plus operator executes, and converts left operand 6 and right operand 4 into new value 10.


We’ll talk more about the order in which operators execute when we do a deep dive into the topic of operators. For now, it’s enough to know that the arithmetic operators execute in the same order as they do in standard mathematics: Parenthesis first, then Exponents, then Multiplication and Division, then Addition and Subtraction. This ordering is sometimes abbreviated PEMDAS, or expanded to the mnemonic “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”.


1.3 Operator precedence

Now, let’s consider a more complicated expression, such as 4 + 2 * 3. An expression that has multiple operators is called a compound expression. In order to evaluate this compound expression, we must understand both what the operators do, and the correct order to apply them. The order in which operators are evaluated in a compound expression is determined by an operator’s precedence. Using normal mathematical precedence rules (which state that multiplication is resolved before addition), we know that the above expression should evaluate as 4 + (2 * 3) to produce the value 10.


In C++, when the compiler encounters an expression, it must similarly analyze the expression and determine how it should be evaluated. To assist with this, all operators are assigned a level of precedence. Operators with the highest level of precedence are evaluated first.


1.4 Operator associativity

What happens if two operators in the same expression have the same precedence level? For example, in the expression 3 * 4 / 2, the multiplication and division operators are both precedence level 5. In this case, the compiler can’t rely upon precedence alone to determine how to evaluate the result.


If two operators with the same precedence level are adjacent to each other in an expression, the operator’s associativity tells the compiler whether to evaluate the operators from left to right or from right to left. The operators in precedence level 5 have an associativity of left to right, so the expression is resolved from left to right: (3 * 4) / 2 = 6.


2 expression, expression statement, the order of evaluation

An expression is a combination of literals, variables, operators, and function calls that can be executed to produce a singular value. The process of executing an expression is called evaluation, and the single value produced is called the result of the expression.


When an expression is evaluated, each of the terms inside the expression are evaluated, until a single value remains.


Here are some examples of different kinds of expressions, with comments indicating how they evaluate:


2               // 2 is a literal that evaluates to value 2
"Hello world!"  // "Hello world!" is a literal that evaluates to text "Hello world!"
x               // x is a variable that evaluates to the value of x
2 + 3           // operator+ combines values 2 and 3 to produce value 5
x = 2 + 3       // 2 + 3 evaluates to value 5, which is then assigned to variable x
std::cout << x  // x evaluates to the value of x, which is then printed to the console
five()          // evaluates to the return value of function five()

As you can see, literals evaluate to their own values. Variables evaluate to the value of the variable. In the context of an expression, function calls evaluate to whatever value the function returns. And operators (such as operator+) let us combine multiple values together to produce a new value.


2.1 expression statement

Note that expressions do not end in a semicolon, and cannot be compiled by themselves. For example, if you were to try compiling the expression x = 5, your compiler would complain (probably about a missing semicolon). Rather, expressions are always evaluated as part of statements.


For example, take this statement:


int x = 2+3; // 2 + 3 is an expression that has no semicolon -- 
the semicolon is at the end of the statement containing the expression

Wherever you can use a single value in C, you can use an expression instead, and the expression will be evaluated to produce a single value.


An expression statement is a statement that consists of an expression followed by a semicolon. When the statement is executed, the expression will be evaluated (and the result of the expression will be discarded).


What is the difference between a statement and an expression?


Statements are used when we want the program to perform an action. Expressions are used when we want the program to calculate a value.


2.2 The order of evaluation of expressions

Consider the following expression:


a + b * c

We know from the precedence and associativity rules above that this expression will evaluate as if we had typed:


a + (b * c)

If a is 1, b is 2, and c is 3, this expression will evaluate to the answer 7.


However, the precedence and associativity rules only tell us how operators evaluate in relation to other operators. It does not tell us anything about the order in which the rest of the expression evaluates. For example, does variable a, b, or c get evaluated first?


Perhaps surprisingly, in many cases, the order of evaluation of any part of a compound expression (including function calls and argument evaluation) is unspecified. In such cases, the compiler is free to choose any evaluation order it believes is optimal.


Outside of the operator precedence and associativity rules, assume that the parts of an expression could evaluate in any order. Ensure that the expressions you write are not dependent on the order of evaluation of those parts.


#include <iostream>

int add(int x, int y)
    return x + y;

int main()
    int x=5;
    int value=add(x, ++x); // is this 5 + 6, or 6 + 6?
    // It depends on what order your compiler evaluates the function arguments in

    std::cout << value << '\n'; // value could be 11 or 12, depending on how the above line evaluates!
    return 0;

The C++ standard does not define the order in which function arguments are evaluated. If the left argument is evaluated first, this becomes a call to add(5, 6), which equals 11. If the right argument is evaluated first, this becomes a call to add(6, 6), which equals 12! Note that this is only a problem because one of the arguments to function add() has a side effect.


The C++ standard intentionally does not define these things so that compilers can do whatever is most natural (and thus most performant) for a given architecture.


So, don’t use a variable that has a side effect applied to it more than once in a given statement. If you do, the result may be undefined.


3 Control Flow and Error Handling statements

3.1 Conditionals and if statements

3.2 Switch statement

3.3 Loops and while statements

3.4 Do while statements

3.5 For statements

3.6 Break and continue statements

3.7 Goto statements

3.8 try throw catch statements








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